About Us

See What We Have to Offer

Why Choose Us

Panels & Inverters

We only use panels from the largest companies in the world, who have been around for a long time and have local after sales support available.


Our guarantee to you is the installer who comes out to do your installation will have done a bare minimum of 800 installations- bringing with him wealth of experience and ensuring the job gets done right in the first go.


For Energy Control customer- we offer ongoing maintenance of your solar system at a heavily subsidised rate. Ensuring your investment keeps working hard for you for years and years to come.

After sales service

We have a dedicated admin team who ensures all the back end paperwork gets done promptly and with minimal involvement from you.

Electricity Provider

On an ongoing basis we keep advising you on the best electricity retailer for you. This will reduce your time spent in shopping around and you have the peace of mind that you are getting the best rates in the market.

Resilience & Durability

With solar panels, you will always have your own power.

Energy Control has been established with one simple agenda;

“To enable our customers to reduce their electricity costs without spending a penny more than they have to”

Having been in the renewable energy for over 10 years, we focus on ensuring we get the right system in place to meet your current and future needs, use our economies of scale to get the best panels and inverters in the market and then use only experienced installers who do the job right in the first go and maintain and monitor your systems.

Essentially we are here to give you the peace of mind that you are going to get value out of your system for a very long time to come and we will be here in case; something is not quite right.

Having over 10 years of experience in the renewable energy field – we are very confident in what we do; and that should give you the confidence in going solar with us.

Take Control of your Electricity Costs

Power Your Home with Beautiful Solar

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